
We are a small and agile development company with a long history and rich experience in producing a wide range of solutions for web, mobile, tablet and cloud technologies - from simple web sites and mobile applications to complex portals and scalable cloud services. We offer development, consulting and training services. We work closely with an extensive network of partners - freelancers and companies - so we are able to deliver even the most complex solutions.

  • MobileMobile
  • TabletTablet
  • WebWeb
  • CloudCloud

Who do we work with?

This is the place to brag about our references and dear partners from all over the world. Unfortunately, NDA does not allow us to mention them all, but we can show you the map of the countries and randomly list a few non-NDA references. Refresh page for more.

We have been working with some of our partners for over 18 years.

What do we use?

We believe in focus. We're focused on Microsoft and standards technogies. Focus enables us to be the best in the area. Don't worry! You don't have to stress about technology - our clients can focus on the goal, and we will use the technology the best possible way to reach that goal.

  • Windows 10
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Xamarin
  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Cordova

Working hard for 9.876 days.

Get in touch

We would like to hear from you. What do you think, what do you need, your ideas and suggestions. Or just say "hi".

  1. *Your project is our future reference. We can't have low quality references.

  2. This is just a raw estimate. It doesn't bind you or us in any way. This will help us to get an idea of your project size and make the offer just right to fit your budget.

Hi. Nice to meet you.